Return a new Parameter object with the name attribute set to value.
Return a new Parameter object with the storageClasses attribute set to value.
Return a new Parameter object with the type attribute set to value.
Return a new Parameter object with the udas attribute set to value.
Parameter name. Initial value: _i, where i is the position of the parameter.
Parameter storage classes. Initial value: [__traits(getParameterStorageClasses, fun, i)], where where fun is the refracted function and i is the position of the parameter.
Parameter type. Initial value: std.traits.Parameter!fun[i], where fun is the refracted function and i is the position of the parameter.
Parameter UDAs. Initial value: [@(bolts.experimental.refraction.ParameterAttribute!(fun,i)[j...])], where where fun is the refracted function, i is the position of the parameter, and j... are the positions of the UDAs.
A struct capturing all the properties of a function parameter.